The Center for Research in Biological Systems (CRBS) is a research center within the UCSD Health Sciences that exists to provide human resources, high technology equipment, and administrative services to scientists researching cell structure and function relationships through multiple scales and modalities.
CRBS facilitates an interdisciplinary infrastructure in which people from biology, medicine, chemistry, and physics can work with those from computer science and information technologies in collaborative research. Researchers share interests in the study of complex biological systems at many scales, from the structures of enzymes, proteins, and the body's chemical communications network at atomic and molecular levels, to an organism's physiology, strength, and support at cellular and tissue levels.
The CRBS infrastructure integrates resources for high-performance computing, visualization, and database technologies, and the grid-integration of large amounts of archival storage data. The California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Cal-IT2) and the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) are collaborators in simulating the activity of biological systems, analyzing the results, and organizing the growing storehouse of biological information.